Teacher Feature: Magda Fairfoul

Mom and son in tree pose

Remember that Playfulness is a Superpower.

-Magda Fairfoul

Our Magda has been on our team since 2019, teaching beautiful yoga classes to elementary school students and preschoolers.  Chatting with Magda it’s easy to see why her students are a fan of her classes, from the games she plays to the stories she tells to the lavender head massages she gives at the kids request!    

We sat down with Magda to learn more about her kids’ yoga magic.  

TYB: Magda, please tell readers about your yoga journey.

MF: My yoga journey began over ten years ago. Inspired by many teachers and my travelling experience I aim to deliver unique knowledge to my students. I completed my yoga teacher training, specialized at Hatha Yoga and Yoga for children, with Semperviva.

 TYB: How did you come to teach children's yoga?  

MF: I used to work as a classroom assistant at various elementary schools in the UK.

I always thought that introducing yoga into the school curriculum would be a great addition to help children to become more mindful and reduce their stress levels.

I decided to combine my passion for yoga with experience of working at schools and get certified as a kid's yoga teacher.

Mom and son in downward dog

TYB:  You are originally from Poland.  What is the yoga culture like in your home country?

MF: Yoga in Poland is much more popular now than it used to be when I was living there. I left my country in 2008.

When I came to visit two years ago I noticed lots of new yoga studios which was a really great and positive surprise for me.

TYB:  Has your teaching changed since you became a parent?  Why or why not?  

MF:  I think I am more patient and compassionate than I used to be. I know that every child is unique and has different needs.

As a teacher you have to try to work around children's abilities and interests, and always give them chances to grow.

TYB: What do you still hope to learn as a teacher?

MF:  I would like to learn more strategies to work with kids with behavioral and emotional disorders.   I am always open to new lesson plan ideas.

Thankfully The Yoga Buggy's teachers are so supportive and make sure we never run out of ideas.  I am also planning one day to take a prenatal or postnatal yoga teacher training.

TYB: What would you like to share with new/aspiring kids' yoga teachers?  

MF: When you come to teach kid's yoga make sure you have a backup plan. Just in case something won't go as you planned or you have 10 minutes to spare.

Remember that children want to laugh and play "playfulness is a superpower"

TYB: How can people reach you if they'd like to learn more about your work and your interests?  

MF: People can reach me through the Yoga Buggy's website or my email.

I am currently working on my own website. It should be ready soon.

In addition to teaching public and private group classes in North & West Vancouver and downtown Vancouver, Magda is available to teach yoga birthday parties and private classes in your home or nearby park! 

Register here to bring kids’ yoga classes to your school, daycare or community space., Please see Magda’s booking schedule for privates and birthday parties.


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